Wednesday, August 20, 2014


" Terrible Things "
by Mayday Parade

By the time I was your age, I'd give anything
To fall in love truly, was all I could think
That's when I met your mother, the girl of my dreams
The most beautiful woman, that I'd ever seen

She said, "Boy can I tell you a wonderful thing?
I can't help but notice, you're staring at me.
I know I shouldn't say this, but I really believe,
I can tell by your eyes that you're in love with me."

Now, son, I'm only telling you this
Because life can do terrible things.

Now, most of the time we'd have too much to drink
And we'd laugh at the stars and we'd share everything
Too young to notice, and too dumb to care
Love was a story that couldn't compare.

I said, "Girl, can I tell you a wonderful thing?
I made you a present with paper and string.
Open with care now, I'm asking you, please.
You know that I love you, will you marry me?"

Now, son, I'm only telling you this
Because life can do terrible things
You'll learn, one day, I'll hope and I'll pray,
That God shows you differently.

She said, "Boy can I tell you a terrible thing?
It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks.
Please, don't be sad now, I really believe,
You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me."

Slow, so slow I fell to the ground on my knees.

So don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose
If you're given the choice, then I beg you to choose
To walk away, walk away, don't let her get you.
I can't bear to see the same happen to you.

Now, son, I'm only telling you this
Because life can do terrible things

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


" Why am I the one always packing up my stuff? "
From the song Why Am I The One by Fun
Why i'm writing this i don't even know
Maybe because i'm bored and i'm listening to this song while i wrote this
Do you noticed the story that Fun try to tell you through this song?
It's about man and woman who lived their life
Well actually i don't give a shit about the meaning
I like this song
This song is Fun

Friday, August 15, 2014


Today is Friday
As usual every Muslim men will go to the mosque during the zuhur to perform the solat Jumaat
and here i have a story of mine about today's solat Jumaat
Hm i don't think for it to be a story but just an opinion of mine about what happen during i went to the mosque earlier

Izinkan aku menulis dalam bahasa Melayu kerana aku lebih selesa dengannya
Hari Jumaat hari ni adalah seperti hari-hari Jumaat yang biasa
Kami bersiap-siap dan terus ke masjid sebelum berkumandangnya azan Zuhur untuk mendapatkan berkat daripada Illahi dan juga supaya jalan tidak sesak sepanjang perjalanan ke sana

“ Barang siapa yang mandi hari jumaat dan menyuci ( kepalanya ), lalu bersegera dan bergegas, dan mendekati imam, dan mendengarkan khutbah serta diam, maka dia akan mendapatkan pada setiap langkahnya bagaikan pahala amalan satu tahun, termasuk pahala puasa dan pahala solat malam. “
( Hadis Shohih Riwayat Tirmidzi, Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah, Nasai )

Tibanya di masjid itu seperti biasa ramai yang akan mengambil wuduk sebelum duduk di dalam masjid
Setelah aku mengambil wuduk aku pon masuk ke dalam masjid dan duduk di bawah kawasan yang terdapat kipas supaya tidak berpeluh sepanjang khatib membaca khutbah
Tidak lama selepas duduk azan pon berkumandang menandakan masuknya waktu zuhur
Setelah habisnya azan aku melihat ramai muslim yang bangun menunaikan solat sunat tapi aku hanya duduk selamba buat tak tahu je
Tiba-tiba aku tersedar sesuatu
Mereka ini solat kerana hendak mencari keredhaan Tuhan yang Maha Esa
Aku teringat kata-kata yang sering dikatakan semasa sekolah dulu
" kita buat solat sunat ni sebab kita nak top up balik apa yang kita ada kurang dalam solat wajib kita. Kita takkan pernah tahu sama ada solat-solat yang kita lakukan itu diterima ke tak oleh Allah. Jadi banyakkan lah solat sunat "
Ya Allah hinanya aku kerana beranggapan yang solat lima waktu yang aku lakukan itu cukup untuk mendapatkan tempatku di syurga Mu
Entah terima ke tak solat lima waktu aku pon aku tak tahu
Lepas tu sombong tak nak lakukan solat sunat
Hari Jumaat ku berlalu begitu sahaja

Aku bukan nak berlagak pandai ilmu agama dan sudah semestinya tidak ingin mencari populariti
Aku hanya ingin mencari keredhaanNya

Forgive me O Allah
For i have sinned you

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I'm learning something new in my life now
It's kind of a new hobby for me
to keep me from sleeping all day long during this long holidays
It's good and fun to do when you got something new to learn

I'm learning to edit pictures using the Photoshop
It really is not hard to learn because there are many tutorials about it in the internet
the website that i prefer to refer to when i'm learning to edit is :
There are many good videos teaching you how to do some editing stuff
and these are some of my proud creations hehe

" I don't love studying. I hate it. I like learning. Learning is beautiful "


My feeling is strong towards her
i know that she is the one
O Allah please keep her in my life
because i don't know what will i be without her

I want to tell the world about her
I want to share my happiness about her
I want to tell that i am happy with her